Schedule of Fees 2024/2025


Junior Membership – Nippers

All Nipper Memberships                                                                        $100

1 Parent Membership                                                                              $50


  • 1 Parent/Guardian must join in addition to a nipper membership
  • New members must provide a copy of ID for both parent and child e.g. Drivers License, Birth Certificate, Passport to Alternatively, bring your ID to our registration open days
  • Parents must register themselves and do a separate registration for each child wishing to join Nippers. Once registered you can then link everyone to a family group to simplify future renewals
  • Active Kids Vouchers may be used if emailed to
  • If you wish to assist with Nippers activities, we ask that you have a valid Working with Children Check
  • Download a copy of the Nippers Manual
  • For assistance with the Nipper registration process, please contact




Senior Membership

Thanks to a grant from Surf Life Saving NSW, all Active Nobbys members receive a $50 discount on registration for the 2024/2025 season only (fees quoted include the discount)


Cadet Member 13 to 15 Years                                                                  $40

Active 15-18 Years                                                                                    $40

Active Senior >18 Years                                                                           $40

Reserve Active                                                                                          $60

Joining fee for all New Cadet, Active members is $50 in addition to registration fee

Long Service Member                                                                            $120

Associate (By application only)                                                            $150

Life Member                                                                                                $0

Late Fee (renewals processed after October 31st)                               $25